Sunday, February 19, 2012

How do we graph rotation

Aim: How do we graph rotation?

  1. An angle of a rotation
  2. Direction is counterclock wise or clockwise
  3. center of rotation
90 degrees
(A,B) ---> (-B,A)

180 degrees

270 degrees

Rotated 180 degrees
Rotated 270 degrees

How do we use the other definitions of transformations

Aim: How do we use the other definitions of transformations ?


Glide Reflection: the combination of a reflection in a line and translation along that line.

Orientation:  An arrangement of points relative to one another, after a transformations has occurred.

Isometry: is the transformation of the plane that preserves length.

Invariant: A figure or property that remains unchanged under a transformation of the plane is referred to as ivanant. No variations have occurred.

How to identify composition of transformations

Aim: How do we identify compositions of transformations?

Composition of Transformation
-When 2 or more transformations are combined to from a new translation, in the result is called the Composition of Translation.


In this image you can see that the traingle was moved from its orignal spot to being reflected off the Y-axis first and then from there is reflected off the X-axis.

You could do any type of combination with these Translations

Saturday, February 11, 2012

How Do we Graph Dilations?

Aim: How do we Graph Dilations?

A Dilation is a type of transformation that casuse an image to stretch or shrink. It could decrease in size or increase.
  •  The scale Factor is the ratio in which the image stretch or shrinks.
  • If the factor is greater than 1, then the image will get bigger than the original image.
  • If the factor is greater than 0 but less than 1 the image will shrink form the original.
  • Multiply the dimensions of the priginal by the scale factors to get the new dimensions of the dilated image.
A(-2,-2) --> A'(-4,-4)
B(-1,2) --> B'(-2,4)
C(2,1) --> C' (4,2)
In this figure, it was dilated by 2 from its original image and each point is multiplied by 2.

Some times the image will shrink and this is when the image is dilated by a ratio like
ex: D(1/3) the points will be change from its original to something smaller.

Now try it out:

What are the coordinates of the image of point B under a dilation with center at the origin of scale factor 1/3?
Choose one:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How do we identify Transformations?

Aim: How do we identify Transformations?

Transformations are when you move a geometric figure.

There are 4 transformations

-A Translation is when every point is moved the same distance and same direction.
Example: From each point of the triangle move Five units to the right and 3 units down.

-A Dilation is the enlargement or reduction in the size and image.

-An Rotation is when a figure is turned around a single point.
Example: Move each point 90 degrees Counterclockwise.

- A Reflection is when a figure can be flipped over a line of symmetry.


This graph illustrates a reflection over the
